
Safeguarding Notice

Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.

Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy.


Church of England (VA) Primary School

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Shenington C of E (VA) Primary School adheres to the Oxfordshire County Council Schools Admissions Policy.


Traditionally, children aged 4-11 years who lived in the villages of Shenington and Alkerton attended our school. Nowadays we also admit children from outside these villages, including the town of Banbury and other villages in Oxfordshire and out of county villages in Warwickshire, providing we have enough space in the year group concerned. To discuss place availability, please contact the school office.


Applications for children living in Oxfordshire should be made online through Oxfordshire County Council. Out of county applications should be made via your Local Authority (LA) – for example, applications for children living in Warwickshire should be made online through Warwickshire County Council.

Applications for Entry to Foundation Stage in September 2025


For children born between 01/09/2020 and 31/08/2021, who are due to start Foundation Stage in September 2025, you will need the following which can be downloaded at the end of the page or a printed copy can be requested from the school office:

  • Admissions Policy 2022-2023

  • School Catchment Map

  • Oxfordshire County Council's online application service, or for out of county applications, please apply via your Local Authority (LA).


The application timetable for the Foundation Stage intake is as follows:





Applications open


Closing date for on-time applications

29/01/2025Last day for confirmation of change of address
16/04/2025National Offer day: offer letters sent by second-class post where needed and emails sent to those who applied online.
03/09/2025Start of the school year


Admission Appeals Timetable


Please note that appeals are not ordinarily held during school holidays.

Please follow the below link for the Appeals timetable.


2024-schools-admissions-timetable-for-2024-25.pdf (


In Year Applications for 2024-2025


For in year applications during the period 01/09/2024 to 31/08/2025, you will need the following which can be downloaded at the end of the page or a printed copy can be requested from the school office:

  • Admissions Policy 2024-2025
  • Oxfordshire County Council's online application service. For out of county applications, please apply via your Local Authority (LA).

Admission Policies


For your convenience, the policies and documents listed below can be downloaded or a printed copy can be requested from the school office.
