Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Class Teacher – Mrs Heather Wright
Class 1
This week Class 1 were reading "A Walk in the Park" by Anthony Browne and writing their own stories about walking in the park. We also looked at preposition words such as "in", "under" and "on". In Maths Year 1 practiced counting in 2s and using repeated addition, whilst Foundation Stage learnt how to add two numbers using pictures. In Science we really enjoyed listening to Vivaldi's "Storm" and drawing our own representations of the music. In Forest School we had great fun constructing our own dens.
This week Class 1 have been reading The Queens Hat and writing super verbs. We really enjoyed designing our own crowns in art. We learnt about different types of weather and drew our favourite type of weather. In Maths we have been learning number bonds to 10 and 20 and ordering.
Class 1 have had an exciting Christmas week. We really enjoyed the surprise Panto and we loved wearing our Christmas Jumpers and dressing up as farmers for the day to support our local farmers. In English we have been writing toys in our Santa sacks and writing messages to put on the Giving Tree.
We have really enjoyed playing in the classroom and have been on the lookout for our naughty elf!
Our week started off great fun by decorating the classroom to get into the festive spirit!
In Maths, we have been looking at measurements, tall and short and weighing looking at heavy and light.
In English we have been reading The Gingerbread Man story describing different characters and writing about them. We have really enjoyed out Forest School sessions outside too!
This week Class 1 have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we were so enthusiastic, we planted our very own beans to watch them grow and develop! In Maths we have been measuring using multi cubes and learning about longer and shorter. We have been designing our own enchanted woodlands and the Year 1's really enjoyed the dance festival!
Class 1 were very excited to go out and play in the snow this week! We really enjoyed going on the field and making lots of snowmen!
In Maths, we have been going on a shape hunt around the classroom, looking at 2D shapes. In Art, we painted our own enchanted forest and in English, we wrote our own fact file about woodland animals. We have had a very busy and fun week!
This week we have been busy learning all about halving. We have been halving objects, shapes and numbers. In English we have been reading Goldilocks And The Three Bears and learning about the characters.
We really enjoyed our village ramble this morning, we loved seeing our parents and all the dogs that joined too!
Class 1 have had a brilliant first week back! We have been learning doubling in Maths and we were REALLY excited to join the rest of the school on the big playground at break and lunchtime! The children played beautifully with the older children and enjoyed taking part in the lunchtime games.
This week in Class 1 we have been talking about different marine life and learning facts about sea creatures. We have also been learning how to form our numbers correctly and ordering numbers up to 50, forwards and backwards!
The children enjoyed colouring in jungle and beach pictures which we have presented on our display wall.
Class 1 have had an exciting week! In Forest school we have been building dens, digging for insects and enjoying the sun shine! In Maths, we have been looking at capacity comparing full, half full and empty. We have enjoyed reading the story "Giraffes can't dance" in English, we have been describing the characters in the story and discussing their feelings.
In Class 1 this week we have been looking at repeated patterns and making them with shapes, colours and natural resources. In English we have been looking at The Monkey Puzzle story by Julia Donaldson and learning about animals in the jungle. We have also made our own stilling shakers which was a lot of fun and mess!
This week in Class 1 we have enjoyed planting Sunflower seeds in Forest School and getting muddy! In Maths, we have been subtracting within 10. In English we have learnt about St.Georges Day and we enjoyed colouring in the flags for our display!
Class 1 have had a busy first week back at school! In Maths we have been learning number bonds to 5 and 10 using the Numicon. In English we read the story, Dear Zoo. The children really enjoyed describing the animals and writing lots of descriptions about them.
In PE we have been learning ball skills and how to catch and also enjoyed playing games such as stuck in the mud!
Class 1 have been very busy this week doing lots of Easter activities, we really enjoyed the Egg Roll! In Maths, we have been learning addition to 10 and learning how to use number lines.
In English we have been learning all about The Easter Story and we have enjoyed making Easter cards to take home.
This week in Class 1 we have enjoyed making our Easter bonnets! We enjoyed cutting them out carefully and colouring in the bunny ears.
In Maths, we have been counting on and using addition. In English we have been reading Jack and The Beanstalk and talking about different parts of the story. In Art, we have been looking at shape and patterns and enjoyed using the paints.
This week Class 1 have been looking at intervals of time in Maths. Learning the days of the week by singing our favourite "Days of The Week" song! We have been completing different activites to see how long a minute is including 60 star jumps, touching our toes and seeing how many times we can write our own name. The children really enjoyed the activities! In English we have been learning about plants and types of seeds, labelling plants and learning about life cycles.
In Class 1 this week we have been looking at money and learning about different types of coins used in the UK. In English we have been reading The Bog Baby and writing our own instructions on how to look after The Bog Baby. We have also been learning about St.David's day and creating our own dragon pictures. We have been creating our own Spring pictures and using tissue paper to represent blossom.
This week in Class 1, we have been exploring and having lots of fun at Forest School!
In Maths, we have been measuring and looking at length and height. We have also been discussing short, tall, long and wide. We looked for items and objects around the classroom that we could measure.
In English we have been looking at the life cycle of a frog and following the story of Tad.
In Maths this week, Class 1 have been doubling and learning to use the add and equals symbol. In English, we have been talking about family relationships and reading the story My Two Grannies. We have also been discussing the difference between Trinidad and our country. In R.E we have been learning about Chinese New Year and looking at how they celebrate it.
This week in Class 1 we have been reading, No Big Bad Wolf In This Story. The children have really enjoyed listening to it and we compared it to other fairytales and had a good discussion on their favourite stories and why this one was different. In Maths, we have been halving and doing activities on halving. In R.E we have been learning all about Baptism.
In Class 1 this week we have been doing number bonds to 10 using the Numicon. In English, we have been reading the story The Elves And The Shoemaker and we have been looking at old clothes and shoes and designing our own! In Dance, we have been learning country dancing, we really enjoyed this!
This week Class 1 have enjoyed reading the story The Tiger Who Came To Tea. We spoke about the story and the difference between the past and present.
In Maths, we have been working hard on number bonds to 5 and concentrating on our number formation. We have also carried on learning tens and ones and we have enjoyed reading with the adults.
It has been lovely to welcome the children back after the Christmas holidays and we have really enjoyed our first week back at school! We have been very busy doing lots of indoor choosing and role play and the children were excited to see the rest of the school at break and lunchtime on the big playground.
In Maths, we have been looking at tens and ones and learning numbers to 20. In English, we have been reading The Growing Story, learning about growing up and talking about living things and plants that grow.
We have enjoyed role playing this week in our home corner. We have been looking at 2D shapes and using Kids K'nex to build our own. In English, we have been learning about The Nativity Story and re-enacting our own play this week for the parents. In Dance we have been playing team games and dancing to Christmas music!
This week Class 1 have been focusing on 2D shapes learning about their properties and creating animals using 2D shapes. In Literacy, we have been reading Handa's Surprise and learning about countries that are different to our own. We have been learning about Hannakah and designing our own Star of David, we really enjoyed learning about how other religions celebrate. We have also been working hard practicing our nativity play that we are really looking forward to showing off for parents.
In Class 1 this week, we have been doing instruction writing on how to make a jam sandwich
In Maths, we have been counting in 2's and have been looking at odd and even numbers. We really enjoyed making our Pudsey Bear faces that are now on display in our classroom. In topic, we made some Diwali lamps and at lunchtime we joined the rest of the school on the big playground! We felt very grown up and we enjoyed playing with the older children!
This week in Class 1, we have been learning about Diwali and making our own rangoli patterns. We have been talking about kindness as part of Anti-Bullying week and how to be kind to our friends.
In Maths, we have been learning about odd and even numbers and we have enjoyed some indoor choosing. We really enjoyed our first ramble as a class for Children In Need!
This week Class 1 have been learning about Remembrance Day and have enjoyed making poppies at our creative table. In Maths we have been looking at one less and 2D shapes. We have been getting ready for Cross Country by doing lots of running around on the playground!
This week in Class 1, we have been reading the story of Elmer the Elephant. We had lots of fun painting our own Elmer pictures and using lots of different colours!
In Maths we have been looking at numbers and one more. All the children were very good at counting on one more We talked about Bonfire Night and how to be safe and we created lots of firework pictures.
This week, Class 1 have enjoyed using different materials to create our pirate faces to add to our role play area. In Maths, we have been working hard on our number formation and using one more and one less. On Wednesday we all enjoyed joining the Harvest live lesson, we learnt some interesting facts about a robotic farm!
Class 1 have also been practising really hard for the Harvest Church Service on Friday and look forward to performing to everybody that comes along!
This week Class 1 have enjoyed exploring the different areas in the classroom, there has been lots of role play and construction! In Maths we have been learning numbers to 10, we have been singing along to some dinosaur songs on the interactive whiteboard and playing some interactive games too! In English we have been describing and drawing pirates and using our role play area to think of some good describing words!
This week we have been recognizing and ordering numbers in Foundation. We looked at the Night Pirate story and found out what pirates needed on adventures. We also celebrated Roald Dahl Day, learning about Roald Dahl and designing our fabulous chocolate wrappers for our own chocolate factory.
In Class 1 this week the children have settled very well. We have had lots of fun playing games to learn names and routines. The children have been amazingly independent! They have enjoyed playing in the foundation playground (Year 1 on the big playground). All the children have been confident to join in the activities and we had a lovely tour of the school visiting each of the classes this week to help the transition. Here are some photos of different activities the children have been doing this week.
This week we have been enjoying our Music lessons and singing our hearts out in Class 1! We enjoyed our topic too, making shields and helmets. In English, we learnt about armour and what it is for, and we also learnt about knights and what they do. We have enjoyed our indoor choosing time playing with friends
This week, Class 1 have been continuing to write about our Castles and we have read lots of stories with Castles in them. In Maths, we have been learning to add using a numberline.
I am so proud of how well all the children did on Sports Day, there were lots of cheering on our fellow team members too!
This week in Class 1 we have continued our topic work looking at Castles. The children really enjoyed drawing their own Castles, making them very colourful too!
We have also been practising very hard with our Sports Day activities. Class 3 came to help us and show us how the races work as this is our first Sports Day. We have been practising hula hooping, throwing, jumping and hurdles! We cant wait to show off our skills to all our parents.
Class 1 have been very busy learning this week. In Maths we have been learning about sharing and halving and using numicon to help. In English and topic, we have been learning all about Castles. We looked at Warwick Castle, and we wrote lots of different facts about the Castle.
We really enjoyed eating pizza for lunch on Thursday, especially the ice lollies for pudding!
We have been learning about doubling in Maths. We have been making Tudor Houses as part of our topic about The Great Fire Of London. The Year 1's enjoyed their trip to the Think Tank, especially exploring the Science Garden.
This week Class 1 have been super busy doing some learning outside and having a Maths lesson on the field
We also joined Class 2 to learn all about subtraction and played some Maths games with them.
I was very proud of Class 1 performing their assembly and showing off their art work to the parents. They have also been working very hard for the Church Service coming up!
This week in Class 1 we have been practicing really hard for our assembly. We are really excited to show parents all our art work we have created! We also got to join Class 2 this week for Geography. It was really exciting to join their class and mix with all our friends in Class 2.
This week in Class 1 we have been learning about the Great Fire of London, making fire engines out of our junk modelling and drawing pictures. We have also been looking at the Coronation that is coming up. We have been making collages with images of King Charles III and looking forward to celebrating at the picnic on Friday!
This week has been great fun! We walked to Anderton's Farm over the fields and spent our week learning about lambing. We all had the chance to see the mummy sheep with their lambs, chickens and even had the opportunity to hold the soft, fluffy lambs.
We also drew beautiful pictures of King Charles III. The children concentrated so well to follow the instructions and create a portrait of King Charles III. We have been learning about the Coronation.
What an exciting first week back for Class 1!
This week, we have been looking at days of the week and putting them in order. We have also been looking at time and intervals of time. We have been talking about seconds, minutes and hours and estimating what activities we might be able to complete in that time, some children came up with some great ideas!
We then put these activities to the test and we used a timer to time ourselves. We recorded our answers to see if our estimations were correct.
With the lovely sunshine this week, the whole school went outside to eat our lunch and we really enjoyed our school picnic!
This week we have been having an eggstravaganza in Class 1 undertaking all sorts of Easter related activities. We made our chicken and egg Easter bonnets and had great fun making Easter cards! We have been designing our own Easter bunnies and drawing them too. We have been learning about woodland animals and enjoyed finding fascinating facts about them such as the Pine Martin can live up to eight years! We really enjoyed our annual egg roll and easter egg hunt.
This week in Class 1 we have had lots of fun using the beebots! We worked with a partner to help give instructions on which direction for the beebot to travel in taking turns with each other.
To celebrate St.Patricks day, we enjoyed colouring in shamrocks using different shades of green. We have also enjoyed our outdoor choosing time, playing on all the equipment and joining in with each other playing games.
In Class 1 this week, we have been working hard with on our Maths and enjoying using different containers to find amounts and measure capacity. We enjoyed some time in the mud kitchen outside and made some potions. We also enjoyed creating our own giant's castle which is found at the top of the beanstalk Jack climbed.
This week we have been having great fun playing in the snow and making our own snowmen! We were inspired to make snowy pictures of our enchanted woodland using chalks and pastels. We learnt about the Easter story this week in R.E and sequenced it to find the true meaning of Easter. We have also been having fun learning our "ch" sound and finding words beginning with "ch."
What a busy week we have had in Class 1 this week, we have been learning about crosses and have made some beautiful stain glass windows as part of our Understanding the World. They are very colourful and we are hoping to display them in the local church. We are very proud of them.
For St Davids Day we made our own Welsh flags which we have displayed in our classroom and had great fun finding out about St David and his life.
On Thursday we dressed up as our favourite book characters, we enjoyed reading with our buddies and dressed our classroom door in one of our favourite characters – The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
We even found time to enjoy the fairytale The Three Little Pigs and make our own houses for the pigs which could not be blown down from magnetic bricks.
This week we have been looking at fairy tales. We had great fun reading Jack and the Beanstalk and creating a class beanstalk with leaves. On Tuesday we learnt about Shrove Tuesday, joined in the pancake race and made our own pancake faces. We also learnt a pancake song and enjoyed singing about how to make pancakes!
(Please visit the latest news to see the photos of us taking part in the pancake race)
This week we have been making our own dinosaur world from Lego and had some amazing creations from the children. We have also been investigating fossils and enjoying crafting our own fossils from clay. All the children were very proud of their clay model work!
This week in Class 1 we have been learning about Mary Anning, a famous fossil hunter. We had great fun discovering our own fossils in a rock and looking at different fossils. Class 1 thought they found bones from a Tyrannosaurus Rex! In Forest school, this week we were making clay handprints and making patterns on the portacabin. We enjoyed getting messy and experimenting with different textures.
Class 1 joined Class 3 to learn about volcanoes and thoroughly enjoyed making the volcanoes erupt, especially
watching the lava explode from the volcanoes!
We also enjoyed role playing in our wonderful dinosaur cave and dressing up as explorers. The children looked great with their pith helmets on.
We also had fun making our lanterns as part of our continuous provision with Understanding the World. Thank you to a kind parent who brought in Chinese red envelopes, to turn into Chinese lanterns using our origami skills.
It was great fun when the children were role playing the Royal family and the children were soldiers to the Queen!
This week we have enjoyed ourselves in Forest school and had fun in our dens and colouring nature pictures. We have been learning about an environment that dinosaurs lived in and designing our own volcanoes. This afternoon we will be joining Class 3 to see if we can make volcanoes erupt as part of our Understanding the World and Science.
We have also been busy learning about the Chinese New Year and designing our own lanterns by using materials to make a mosaic. We are all very proud of our beautiful designs.
This week in Class 1 we have been having fun at Forest School. We learnt about fire and the dangers of fire. We made our own fires and listened to its crackles. We then were spoilt and enjoyed a hot chocolate and cookies.
We also had a visit from the Dogs Trust, we got to meet Rolo the dog (he wasn't real) and we learnt how to care and look after dogs as well as how to approach dogs safely.
We have also been counting to 20 and 50, learning to order and write our numbers. Year 1 have been concentrating on tens and ones. In English, we have started our topic about dinosaurs and have been enjoying the story Harry and the Dinosaurs.
We really enjoyed the New Year disco with the whole school, playing party games and having snacks as a treat!
We have been enjoying our Christmas festivities this week. I was extremely proud of all the children who performed and sang brilliantly in the Class 1 nativity this week. They were very excited to be able to dress up and present their performance to their parents. We have also enjoyed working across the school joining different classes designing our elf, snowman and father Christmas cards.
We have also been playing in the snow with all the other children making snowmen and sculptures.
Class 1 have been enjoying learning about Advent this week. We have learnt about the Advent wreath and looked at the values behind the different coloured candles. We have also been writing our own Christmas story and as Christmas is coming, practising our traditional Nativity Play. We are enjoying playing all the characters including the well-known Christmas dog and cat. I am very proud of how the children are learning their lines and their beautiful singing.
We have also enjoyed Forest School this term and extending their outdoor learning. We as a class are so lucky to be able to have our own onsite Forest School. The children are stimulated and enthusiastic by the outdoors and have experienced overtime an increase in self-belief, confidence, communication and problem solving. The children have been enjoying making dens, digging, painting with nature and making sculptures. We will be continuing our weekly Forest School sessions throughout the year.
Today, Head Girl came to our classroom as a special treat and read a story to us. We were very excited!
We had lots of fun with our Elf, sadly his snowman melted and today he made himself toasty in his house.
This week we have been learning about how to look after our teeth and writing instructions. We used our big scale teeth model to learn the order of instructions and had great fun learning about our teeth, gums and cavities. The children also role played going to the dentist.
On the large playground this week we have enjoyed being on the equipment and at lunch time participating in the sports set up by the play leaders.
Ryan and Samuel also enjoyed breaking the rules for their birthdays by wearing non-school uniform, painting their nails, drinking squash and having snacks.
We enjoyed visiting Class 4 today to follow instructions from the children in Class 4 on how to make a Christingle.
Our naughty elf has also become a new member of class and is getting up to all kinds of mischief!
This term in Class 1, our topic has been about memories. We have been learning about old toys as part of this. We really liked finding out about all the old toys and exploring how they work. We have lots of lovely old Victorian toys in school that we have looked at and played with. We then compared these to our toys we have around the classroom and looked at similarities and differences between them.
We have also been learning about people who help us, we have been focussing on the Fire service and finding out about what they wear and what equipment they use. We really enjoyed dressing up and trying on all the clothes!
In PSHCE we have talked about the love and kindness we have in our lives and talking about our families.
In Maths we have looked at multiplication through the pictorial use of objects and arrays, while in English we have been looking at instructions and how these help us throughout our day. We did this first by helping our teacher to make a Jam sandwich (which went spectacularly well!).
For Foundation Stage, outdoor learning is just important as indoor learning and this term outside we have been trying out old fashion toys such as the bouncing hoppers and playing games of hopscotch.
In the construction area, we have been making animals from the poles and have made interesting shapes such as a Giraffe.
We have enjoyed playing in the sandpit and mud kitchen following instructions such as jam sandwiches and pizza. This has also been used in our English to learn about bossy words.
The Curriculum Overview provides an idea of the whole school approach to the curriculum, while the Class 1 Curriculum gives more detailed information of what is going on in Class 1 during the term. Further information can be found in the weekly newsletters, at parents evenings, open mornings or pop in to school and speak to the Class Teacher.