Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Class Teacher – Miss Lucy Linton
Class 2
This Week in Maths, Class 2 focused on dividing by sharing and grouping numbers and using number lines to help link this to multiplication and times tables. In English we undertook our spelling and reading assessments. We also looked at the story of 'The Rainbow's End' and imagined what it would be like at the end of a rainbow! We also learned how to use similes to describe the colours of the rainbow. In Science we carried on looking at Sir Francis Beaufort and the Beaufort Scale to measure the wind. In Geography we looked at the types of extreme weather and drew our own tsunamis. In Art we also created finger paintings of trees in different seasons!
This Week in Maths, Class 2 focused on division using the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We linked this to our work on multiplication and inversing using arrays and number lines to help us. In English we learnt about Sir Francis Beaufort and how to write a non chronological report about him using conjunctions. In Science we built on our English by understanding and using the Beaufort scale to measure and record the strength of the wind in the playground. In Geography we described the weather and presented our weather forecasts we have been busy working on to the rest of the class! For Children Mental Health Week we also focused on understanding how we recognise feelings and emotions and the importance of this and supporting our friends.
This week in Maths Class 2 have focused on multiplication using arrays and repeated addition linked to times tables. In English we enjoyed writing poetry on the seasons and the weather using adjectives and verbs. In Geography we focused on practicing describing the weather as forecasting and linking with this we painted seasonal pictures during Art. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year this week and making our own crafts for the Year of the Snake!
This Week in Maths Class 2 focused on multiplication using grouping, sharing and arrays. We wrote multiplication expressions to match our repeated addition expressions. In English we really enjoyed looking at seasonal poems about the weather and understanding how we can use personification. We continued our focus on the weather in science as we focused on how seasons change and the impact this has on local animals and in Geography we are working in pairs on weather forecasts that we will share with the class next week. Forest School was also great fun as we explored our mud kitchen and old tractor tires!
This week Class 2 were reading the book "A Walk in the Park" by Anthony Browne and working towards writing their own narrative about walking in the park independently. We focused on using verbs and understanding how to incorporate prepositions such as 'in', 'on' and 'under'. In Maths Class 2 practiced their multiplication by grouping multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables using picture cards and writing out equations. Science and Geography this week was linked together to understand the seasonal changes in the weather, including how trees and plants change outside. We also really enjoyed the New Years Disco last Friday.
This week in Maths Class 2 were looking at the place value of numbers using value tables to compare and order numbers. In English we were looking at the story of The Queen's Hat and learning about narrative features and rewriting the story in our own words. We also enjoyed learning about the different types of weather and discussing what we would wear.
This week in Class 2, we've been fully immersed in the Christmas spirit! We've been rehearsing for our Nativity play, practicing our lines and songs for a fabulous festive performance. The classroom has been buzzing with creativity as we've been making Christmas crafts, creating beautiful decorations and cards. We've also been spreading cheer by carolling, singing our favourite Christmas songs. And of course, we've been keeping an eye on Sprinkles, the naughty elf, as he gets up to his usual mischief around the classroom. It’s been a joyful week full of festive fun and excitement!
Class 2 this week in Maths we have been exploring measurements, specifically focusing on mass using grams and kilograms. In English, we have been reading and retelling 'The Gingerbread Man' and looking at features of a recipe. We put all of this into practice and made Gingerbread people! The children also had fun decorating the classroom ready for Christmas.
This week Class 2 has been full of exciting learning experiences! In Maths, we’ve been exploring measurement, specifically focusing on centimetres, and practising how to measure lengths accurately. In English, our focus has been on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, and we’ve been writing diary entries from Jack’s point of view, imagining his adventures. In Science, we’ve started growing our own beanstalks, learning about how plants grow and what they need to thrive. We also had a fantastic time at the Dance Festival at Warriner, where we enjoyed following 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson, performing and watching other schools showcase their talents.
This week in Class 2, we've been busy exploring a range of exciting topics! We had a surprise snow day, which was a great opportunity to enjoy the winter weather, build snowmen and play on the school field together. In Maths, we have been learning all about 2D shapes, identifying their names and properties like sides, vertices and symmetry. In English, we have been diving into the story of Hansel and Gretel, focusing on using synonyms and descriptive adjectives to bring the tale to life. In Science, we’ve been investigating the different parts of plants, learning how each part helps the plant grow and survive. The children really enjoyed using magnifying glasses to inspect plant parts up close. Finally, in Geography, we’ve been exploring woodland maps, learning how to read and create maps of forest areas.
In Class 2, it's been a week of exploration and creativity! In Maths, the children have been mastering the concepts of halves and quarters, learning how to divide shapes and numbers into equal parts. In English, they've been bringing the classic tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to life, telling their own versions of this story with imaginative twists. Meanwhile, in Science, they've been busy grouping woodland animals, discovering how different species live and interact in their natural habitats. The class have also been reflecting on Children in Need, learning about the importance of charity and helping others. And, with the festive season just around the corner, they've been practicing their Nativity songs. It's been a week of curiosity, compassion, and creativity (and courage!).
Class 2 this week have worked hard! In Maths, Year 1 have been doubling and Year 2 have been doubling and halving.
In English, we have been looking at Little Red Riding Hood, sequencing story events, retelling the story, thinking of traditional tale features, using adjectives and letter writing.
This week in Maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. Learning how to use these facts to help us solve arithmetic problems.
In English we have been writing a letter to ourself to read in the future!
We have also been learning about Monarchs in History.
In Class 2 we have been writing about the Three Little Pigs using time connectives. In Maths, we have finished recapping addition and subtraction and are now recapping multiplication. The children had fun in the sunshine at Forest School continuing to make dens!
This week in Maths we have been revisiting subtraction and number lines. In English we have been exploring our topic and writing about our school. In Music, we have enjoyed using a range of instruments to play alongside different types of music.
This week we have been learning about the history of our school. We have also been writing about the story of Matthew the Tax Collector in RE and English. In Maths we have been developing our addition skills.
The first week back has been lovely in Class 2. We have started to learn about Gospel in RE and we have learnt about being healthy in RSE.
In English we have been writing short stories about Dragon School and in Maths we have started to learn to tell the time. In Forest School we built some amazing dens using lots of different materials!
This week we have been learning about position and direction in Maths. We had so much fun moving Mr King around like a robot!
In English we have used our report writing skills to write a Geographical report and in topic we had fun making funny portraits!
This week in Maths we have been learning about how to make different amounts of money. We have also learnt how to make the same amount of money in different ways.
In English we have written a diary entry about going through a tunnel!
In DT we have discussed shelter and designed dens that we will be making in forest school next term.
This week Class 2 have been hard at work learning all about measurement. We have learnt about height, length, volume, capacity, weight and mass.
In English we have been writing a report about the human body and the five senses.
In topic we have began learning about the properties of materials.
This week Class 2 has been hard at work learning about division in Maths. We can now divide by 2, 3,5 and 10!
In English we have been writing up our own version of Rapunzel. Some of our stories are crazy, some amazing and all fantastic.
In Art, we really enjoyed making collages of ourselves by drawing our own self portrait and using different materials to make a collage.
We have also been hard at work getting our whole school assembly ready! We hope our parents enjoyed dancing!
This week in Class 2 we have began to learn how to share equally between groups. This has led into division where we have started to divide by 2, 3,5 and 10.
In English we have written our own version of 'We are going on a Bear Hunt' called 'We are going on a School Trip'. Some of our trips were very interesting!
In topic we have started learning about the human body.
In Class 2 this week we have been hard at work learning about the properties of 3D shapes, including lines of symmetry and patterns. Building on from patterns, we have used our colour wheel knowledge to make a contemporary wall of art which is displayed in our room.
In English we have been writing creative stories about living in a goldfish bowl.
This week in Class 2, we have had a great time learning about different decades and have focused on how life was different in the 1950s compared to how we live now.
In Maths, we have learnt about 2D and 3D shapes. We really enjoyed figuring out the different 3D shapes you can find in our classroom!
In English we wrote a letter to Penny who is from the 1950s!
This week Class 2 has been up to all sorts of lovely learning! In Maths we have been finishing off learning our tables by using number lines. We have also revisited multiplication reasoning questions.
In English we have written fact files about Mr King, ourselves and the pesky elf Melvin!
This week Class 2 have been exploring multiplication by making arrays. We have loved listening to the Number Rock song about arrays too!
In English we have written stories about Woody and Buzz from Toy Story, they went to Paris!
In Topic we have learnt about different decades and what happened in them.
Tune in next week for more amazing updates!
Class 2 hopes everyone has had as good a Christmas Holiday as we all did!
After a well deserved break we have started working hard as usual.
Our new topic is Childhood Memories, we have been writing about some of the memories we have made over the holidays in our English lessons.
In Maths we have started to learn about multiplication through repeated addition.
In RE we are learning about how God is seen in different religions.
Catch you next week!
Class 2 has had a lively week, filled with our nativity, the other classes nativities, Melvin's naughty antics and Christmas cheer!
In Maths we have finished our work with subtraction and addition. In English we have written up the Nativity and in DT we have designed food labels.
Class 2 has been very busy preparing for our nativity.
In Maths, we have been continuing to use addition and subtraction, figuring out the correct function to use.
In English we have been writing instructions, letter and elf report cards!
This week we has been a great week for Class 2. We have learnt about subtraction, using number lines to help us.
We have written some rhyming poems, which we have thoroughly enjoyed doing.
Our favourite part of the week was visiting Warriner for the KS1 dance festival, where we danced to The Snail and The Whale and had lots of fun!
This week in Class 2 we have had a very interesting week.
In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction by using number lines to help solve sums.
In English, we have been writing our own version of Little Red Riding Hood called Big Blue Moving Pig!
We have worked on various activities for anti-bullying week and also really enjoyed our school ramble.
This week has been a very exciting week for Class 2.
In Maths we have begun learning about addition using number lines.
In English we have written a scientific report about looking after animals.
In topic this week we have been learning how to draw animals.
I also want to congratulate class 2 for a great cross country trip.
This week in Maths, Class 2 have been learning about addition using number lines. Including looking at the commutative rule and how inverse relations work.
In English, we have been writing our own fiction story about Blue being in the Jungle. We have used expanded noun phrases for this.
Class 2 was very lucky to have one of our parents come in to do a special assembly about Mexico and the Day of the Dead!
This week in Class 2, we have been working for the pirate detectives trying to hunt down the Captain Class 2 who journeys on the Shenington! We have made some wanted posters, please have a look around school and if you see any, please let us know!
In Maths, we have been looking at place value and the position of numbers.
On Wednesday, we joined the Harvest live lesson and learnt some interesting facts about a robotic farm!
This week Class 2 has been exploring the topic of Lands Ahoy!
We have delved into our past in History and explored different types of pirate ships and mechanism.
We have explored different materials to see whether they float or sink.
In Maths we have focused on the wonderful world of place value and will be working on worded questions next week.
In English we have been looking at the pirates being crunched up by sea monsters!
This week has been a very exciting week for Class 2.
In Maths, we have started to learn about place value and have been solidifying our knowledge about 10s and 1s.
In English, we have been reading stories about pirates and writing our own versions, building up our writing stamina.
In topic this week, we began by learning about pirate ships and designing some of our own. We then made these using all sort of different materials!
Class 2 also wants to congratulate some of our class mates who have started piano lessons, well done!
Class 2 have had such a lovely first week back!
This week Class 2 has been exploring the topic of Lands Ahoy! We have delved into our stories and read all about pirates. We have also explored the different types of stories we will be reading about.
In Maths, we have focused on the wonderful world of place value and will be carrying this on next week.
In English we have been learning to box up!
The love, care, and kindness we have had in our lives come from many sources, but primarily our loving families! This has been explored in PSHCE.
In Art and D&T we have been decorating our room with useful resources.
This week Class 2 have really enjoyed having Mrs Williams as our teacher In English, we have been learning how to create a fact file on Castles and in topic we designed a bridge. This was really fun to see all the different designs that everyone had!
In Maths, we have been using addition and subtraction to solve number problems.
This week in Class 2 has been simply glorious!
We have been looking at all sorts of different things in Maths, from number bonds to missing number questions.
In English we have been writing our own version of a story. We began our week reading a story, planning our work and finally writing them up.
In topic, we sketched portraits of towers and turrets and also looked at the different counties that make up the UK.
Class 2 have been super busy this week! We have been looking at addition in Maths and in Topic we have been continuing to look at Castles and have written lots of facts about them! We even had a special treat of playing with lego and enjoying some cool time.
We have also been preparing for Sports Day, we have been practising lots of different activities including throwing, jumping, hula hooping and running. We are really excited for our parents to come and watch us!
This week has been a very exciting week for Class 2!
In Maths we have been learning about fractions, where we have learnt how to split numbers and shapes into halves, quatres and thirds!
In English we watched a documentary about Warwick Castle and then spent the week doing creative writing about it. Some of us (not just Mr King) pretended to be a King and Queen for the day.
In topic this week, we began with some singing and then started to think about making our own Castles.
This week has been filled with adventure for Class 2.
In Maths we have been looking at multiplication, we have done this through arrays. We also, we also, we also, we also, we also, we also, we also, we also, we also, we also, we also used repeated addition!
In English we have been looking at Science, History and Cooking by looking at The Great Fire of London.
In topic this week we have been building Tudor houses. We had lots of fun painting in the sun!
This week has been a very exciting week for Class 2.
In Maths we have been looking at subtraction, and moved onto dividing by 2, 5 and 10. We also looked at odd and even numbers and for homework, we have made posters about odd and even numbers, which were amazing!
In English we have been writing instructions on how to make to bread. We started by making imaginary potions...some people used troll bogies! Eww!!!
In topic this week we been making Lego mechanism. please look at some of our photos, they were amazing!
Class 2 have had a great week this week!
We have really enjoyed Class 1 coming to join us for some Geography!
In Maths, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. We mastered our number lines; we can now use them for all of our Maths needs.
In English we have been writing a geological report about London and have enjoyed learning all about the city of London.
This week in Class 2 has been simply amazing!
We have been looking at arithmetic and place value in Maths. From multiplication to division, we have had lots of fun doing practical things and smiling the whole way through.
In English, we have been writing descriptive stories about a monkey going to London. We began our week imagining going to London, then planning our story and finally writing them up.
In RSE we looked at the people who can help us.
We also must not forget about our picnic! Please keep an eye out for all the lovely photos.
This week in Class 2 has been simply glorious!
We have been looking at all sorts of different things in Maths's. From shape to measurement, we have had had lots of fun doing practical things and smiling the whole way through it.
In English we have been writing fact files about sheep. We began our week find facts, then planning our fact files. Finally writing them up.
In topic we sketched portraits of King Charles the III and also looked at the different counties that make up the UK.
In RE we looked at the amazing story of Jonah and the whale!
We also musn't forget about our Lambing trip, oh what fun we had! Please keep an eye our for all the lovely photos.
We have also really enjoyed lots of visits from all the teaching staff, especially the lovely Miss. Tilley and Mrs. Needham!!
Wow! What a week it has been for Class 2. Our first week back after the Easter holidays has been very exciting.
We have been introduced to our new topic...Bright Lights and Big Cities. We have also began to learn about London.
Speaking of London, Class 2 has been very busy in English writing about a pretend trip we took, we have written a diary entry about every day we spent there.
In Math's we have been learning about how to in interpret data by looking at graphs, while some of us have continued to learn about sequencing time!
Tune in next time to find out how we have got on!
What an amazing term Class 2 have had, it feels like it was only yesterday that we came back from our last holiday!
We have really enjoyed learning about the English woodland throughout the term, ranging from non-chronological reports to fairytales!
We have discovered tree boggarts and also explored different habitats.
In math's we have furthered our reasoning knowledge and learnt all about measuring on different scales...we even know how to read clocks now!
Let's see what awaits us next term.
This week in Class 2 we have had lots of fun adventures!
For Math's we learnt about position and directions. We had lots of fun doing obstacle courses where our partners directed us where to go and how to turn.
We also became designers and made mazes which we then navigated by making instructions.
In English we looked at lots of cute bunnies and rabbits by researching facts about them. We then used these facts to make some non-chronological reports.
We have had a lovely week and are looking forward to lots of fun next week with the build up to Easter!
This week Class 2 have been very busy, working hard...but also having lots of fun.
In Math's we have been continuing our work on measurement, we have done this by learning about capacity! So, combing our measurement of mass from last week with this weeks work on capacity we could now be very helpful when cake baking!
In English we have been reading Goldilocks, this has been our favorite fairytale so far! We wrote a letter of apology from Goldilocks to the Bearingtons. To our surprise the Bearingtons replied, overall the replies were lovely with invites to come over and eat some porridge or asking us to fix the chair...some however were rather bear like.
In topic we have made hotel rooms using origami and natural materials for insects which we then placed in forest school.
This week in Class 2 we have been looking at measurement. We have specifically been looking at grams and kilograms. We are now all experts at using scales and are ready to be helpers in the kitchen!
In topic we made tree boggarts, also known as tree guardians! These will be coming home soon and the amazing thing about these is, that we found all of our own materials and we are so excited for you all to see.
In English we have been continuing to look at fairy tales, this week we have looked at Little Red Riding Hood. We wrote a letter to granny to warn her of a mischievous wolf we met...
Wow! What a week Class 2 has had...
In Math's this week we decided to become bankers. From reasoning questions, to using coins, saving money and everything else, if it involves money, we have done it. Did you know there is a £5 coin?
In English we have entered the Enchanted Forest, we have been looking at various fairytales. We have written our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk, next week we will be writing a letter to a certain granny to warn them of a wolf...who could it be?
On Thursday, we had World Book Day, where Mr. King apparently had the day off and we have Professor Potter instead! We finished the week with our Class 2 assembly, stay turned for how it went!
This week started off with a pan! Our yearly pancake pancake race went buttery! A big well done to Archie and Joseph who won the race in Class 2 and also Mr King who won the adult race. (Please visit the latest news section to see the photos of us all in the pancake race)
This week we have been looking at poetry, our favourite poem we made together was:
There was a cat,
who got fat,
eating rats,
what a fat, lazy cat!
In Maths this week, we have been focusing on measuring. We have measured lots of things in our classroom and around the whole school.
Class 2 have had a smashing, roaring and stomping term, and wow has it gone quick.
We have been learning about everything there is to do with dinosaurs, from fossils, the famous Mary Anning, extinction and the world we live in.
We have thrived in Maths, learning about multiplication, division and fractions...we have had a halving-time!
In English we spent our term focusing on fact files, non-chronological reports and creative writing!
I am very excited for term 4, I do not want to spoil what our topic will be about...but it might have something to do with tales...
This week Class 2 has been exploring the topic of Dinosaurs!
We have delved into our past in History and explored different dinosaurs and how they could have looked.
We have explored the different types of trees and gone on a tree hunt.
In Maths we have focused on the wonderful world of fractions and will be carrying this on next week.
In English we have been looking at fact files and the marvellous Mary Anning!
The love, care, and kindness we have had in our lives come from many sources, but primarily our loving families! This has been explored in PSHCE.
In Art and D&T we have begun to make our very own 3D dinosaur, keep a look out for them…
This week has been a very exciting week for class 2.
In Maths we have begun learning about division, we started with odd and even numbers, and moved onto dividing by 2, 5 and 10. For homework we have made posters about odd and even numbers, which are amazing.
In English we watched a documentary about dinosaurs and then spent the week planning and writing a fact file about a chosen dino!
In topic this week we began by making some lovely ‘scrappy’ dinosaur collages which we have put up on our dino-display. We then got hungry when we talked about carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. We finished our week by being directors and making dino-tastic movies!
Class 2 also wants to congratulate two of our students who have moved up to book 2 in piano!
This week Class 2 have been learning the very useful skill of estimation in Maths, we have used this skill to help us with estimating: more and less than, addition, subtraction and even to answer some word questions.
In English we have read Charlie and his Dinosaur, which is about a little boy who is starting a new school, it explores his dinosaurs and his first day at school and we learn about Charlie and his new friend, who is called Digger. We then spent our week doing creative writing and writing our own version of the story, using subordination and adjectives.
In topic we have begun to explore dinosaurs as our topic this term is Dinosaur-Planet! We have written lovely descriptions of imaginary dinosaurs, explored interesting fossils and then made our own version of wheels on the bus which we called dinosaurs on the bus…we may have even recorded it!
This week Class 2 had a visit from the Dogs Trust and got to meet Rolo the dog (he wasn't real). We learnt how to care and look after dogs as well as how to approach them safely.
We have spent time in math's looking at place value, counting in multiples, partitioning numbers and all sorts of other useful mathematical techniques.
In English we have re capped our lovely holidays, discussing our favorite memories.
Later on in the week, we started our roaring new topic... Dinosaur planet, follow this space for more dino-tastic updates!
We really enjoyed the New Year disco with the whole school, playing party games and having snacks as a treat.
We have been super Christmassy in our lead up to the Christmas holidays, ranging from Christmas symmetry in Maths all the way to our ever spectacular nativity show.
Speaking of our nativity show Class 2 smashed it! I am a very proud teacher; Class 2 did amazing!
We have used our knowledge of 2D shapes to make Christmas designs such as Christmas trees and snowmen.
We have used Father Christmas to help us with symmetry…he managed to lose half of himself, what a silly sausage!
We made beautiful Maths mosaics which turned out to be presents and snowmen once we cracked the code.
Finally, we used our place value detective skills to crack some codes and figure out our answers, it was very exciting!
Someone very special will be coming to visit us in the holidays…Santa! Class 1 and 2 came together to write a letter to Santa to ask him how he is and to let him know what we might like for Christmas!
Art and DT
What goes better together than Art, DT and Christmas? Not much! We have been busy making Christmas trees, Christmas puddings, cards, and special boxes. If it is sparkly, fluffy, or Christmassy we have used it in our lessons!
Maths and English:
This week in Maths Class 2 has been focusing on the wonderful world of 2D shapes and where we can find these in the world around and how we can use them in our life. We then moved onto beginning to learn about the properties of 3D shapes, learning about how we can find them from all the way in the deserts of Egypt to our magical learning environments of Shenington C of E Primary School.
In English we looked at the Christmas story and how this was similar to our nativity play, we turned this into a story board and focused on verbs and adverbs, we wrote phenomenal work that made our books shine!
In other news:
We had a special visitor this week, Princess Cinderella! One of our classmates had their birthday, turning 107…We spent the day breaking the rules and definitely did not have hot chocolate for break.
Our nativity is going amazingly, we are very excited for our dress rehearsal on Monday and to let the rest of the school see how a nativity play is done!
Elf Watch
Melvin has been causing grief to Class 2, having already ate the whole teacher advent calendar, he is on the prowl for the chocolate that belongs to the pupils in class 2. But don’t worry Mr King has upped his game and Melvin is falling for his traps.
It’s Christmas time!
This week in Class 2 has been very exciting!
In Maths, we have been exploring multiplication using number lines and learning about the commutative law.
In English, we have been learning how to be bossy! We have been writing instructions on how to write a story using imperative verbs and time connectives. We have had all sorts of lovely ideas ranging from a hungry T-rex to a Princess on a mission to find a friend.
In other news, one of our class members was very excited to show us her Gold Award from Rainbows.
Well done, Violet! We are very proud of you.
Elf Watch
He tried, he failed…See the photo below of our Elf in action!
Mr King's tinsel trap stopped Melvin from stealing our advent chocolate, check in next time to see what evil plans Melvin comes up with and if we can stop him!
Class 2 has been exploring the topic of memories and moments that made us.
We have delved into our past in History and explored old and new toys (we did not like Mr Kings toy that made a lot of noise!).
We have explored different body parts and how they have changed as we have grown.
In Maths ,we have focused on the wonderful world of multiplication and how we can use this to explore the world around us.
In English we have been looking at the instruction making of Jam sandwiches! We helped Mr King to make one, we realised we needed more clear and direct instructions. It was rather hilarious when Mr King had a loaf of bread on his head. We will now be making our own instructions to make a sandwich of our choosing.
The love, care, and kindness we have had in our lives come from many sources but primarily our loving families! This has been explored in PSHCE.
In Art and D&T, we have looked at some of our favourite memories and made a picture frame and family portrait, which helped us to make a lovely memory!
The adventures for Term 2 have not finished yet, which means we have more memories to make! From our nativity to creating Christmas drawings with shapes we have lots of fun ahead!
Please some of our memories below (including three new children who may or not be trying to trick Mr King with new names…)
The Curriculum Overview provides an idea of the whole school approach to the curriculum, while the Class 2 Curriculum gives more detailed information of what is going on in Class 2 during the term. Further information can be found in the weekly newsletters, at parents evenings, open mornings or pop in to school and speak to the Class Teacher.