Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Class Teacher – Miss Sarah Reynolds
Class 4
This Week Class 4 focused on letter writing to their parents in appreciation for their hard work over the Christmas Break, alongside writing about mental health and its importance. In Maths we focused on place value, multiplying and dividing numbers by 10s, 100s and 1000s, as well as converting numbers into metric. We also really enjoyed our science lesson about pregnancy assisted by Mrs Rapson who helped to explain the stages of pregnancy and her own experiences. We are very grateful for the cakes Mrs Rapson bought in on her last day before going on her maternity leave. Year 6 also went out on a Junior Citizen Trip.
This week Class 4 have been summarising their books that they read over the Christmas holidays. In Maths, we have been looking at place value and converting measurements.
In Art, we have been drawing the nature outside the classroom window, including trees, hedges and the sky.
Before Christmas we really enjoyed a visit from one of the tractors from the Banbury Tractor Run.
Class 4 have had another exciting Christmas week! We really enjoyed the surprise Panto and have enjoyed dressing up this week for Christmas Jumper Day and supporting our local farmers.
In Science we joined a workshop online talking about invisible things and saw scientists use carbon dioxide to put out candles.
In Music we have been working our socks off for our Christmas play!
Our week started off great fun by decorating the classroom to get into the festive spirit!
In Art we started drawing the solar system, looking at all the planets and the Moon's movement. In Maths we have been looking at equivalent fractions, percentages and decimal places. In English, we have been doing instruction writing on how to make a Christingle and we also extended our writing by using information writing to explain what a Christingle is. We are looking forward to our church service today!
Class 4 have had an exciting start to the week! In Science, we were experimenting to see how we could tell the Earth's movements throughout the day - we measured shadows of tall sticks every hour. In Art we have been continuing to draw planets and researching about the Moon. In French, we have been studying how to describe people and colours. We have also done lots of funny Streaker writing!
This week in Science we have been learning about the Earth's movement in space by recreating Earth orbiting the Sun. In English, we have been writing our own story about being struck in school in a snow storm as well as the missing advent candle! In Maths, we have been working on mixed number fractions and improper fractions, converting adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing.
In Art, we have been drawing Earth using a compass and pencils.
We really enjoyed playing outside on the playground and field in the snow this week!
In Class 4 this week we have been working on our fraction skills in Maths, multiplying, dividing and adding! In English, we have been creating our own story about a mischievous dog called Scout and practicing our narrative skills. Today we also found out what our Christmas play was going to be, it's all about a Christmas Jumper!
We really enjoyed the village ramble this morning and dressing up for Children In Need.
The Year 5/6 football team worked really hard together as a team and made Shenington proud!
We kick started the week with Mince Pies! Miss Reynolds has been busy baking them at home for the staff and looked the part in her apron along with her mince pie tin! In Maths we have been doing division and some Year 6's have started long division. In English we have been writing about Remembrance Day and we have been preparing for our Class 4 assembly.
In Music we have been creating music for our class assembly.
Class 4 have been writing letters to the new Foundation children joining us in September. In Maths, the Year 6's have been problem solving and the Year 4/5 have been learning about fractions. In French we made Fathers Day cards and enjoyed designing them. In P.E we have been getting ready for Sports Day doing lots of throwing, running, jumping and team building.
This week Class 4 have enjoyed drawing Owls and Joseph using oil pastels, each picture was different and unique!
In Maths we have been using and applying different skills and in English we have been doing comprehension and using speech. We really enjoyed the sunshine at Forest School and continued to make dens!
Class 4 have had a very exciting week finding out that our summer production will be Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! We have been listening to the music during lessons and in English we wrote about the bible story of Joseph.
In Maths we have been using nets and continuing with graphs.
This week Class 4 were really excited to try out the new Chromebooks! All the children enjoyed typing and practicing their times tables on them. At Forest School we planted Sunflower seeds and continued to make dens. In Art we have been making stained glass windows as part of our R.E.
Class 4 have been busy this week! In R.E we have been designing a torch for our "Let your Light Shine" display. We also wrote a prayer for kindness. In Maths, we have been looking at bar graphs and plotting coordinates. We really enjoyed making dens at Forest School using different materials and tools!
Class 4 this week have been researching The Easter Story using Bibles to take notes and help with our lines in Church. We have celebrated Comic Relief by wearing something red! In Maths, we have been looking at time and the intervals of time. In English, we have been looking at Biographical Writing and researching our favourite authors. In P.E we have been enjoying playing Netball and Basketball.
Class 4 have been brainstorming ideas in D.T this week for running the PTA stalls. We worked together in small groups to come up with new ideas! In Maths we have been continuing to look at place value and in English we have been persuasive writing, looking at school uniform and keeping pets. We really enjoyed learning a new dance routine in dance and enjoyed making dens in forest school!
This week Class 4 really enjoyed the Hockey Tournament we had in school because the tournament was cancelled at Bloxham. We split into four teams and we played games like cat and mouse at the end of the session.
In Maths, we have been doing place value and converting measurements. In English we have been doing persuasive writing about why bullying is not acceptable and talking about how to keep healthy. We have had a brilliant first week back at school and some Year 4 children enjoyed taking part in Clicker in the ICT suite.
In Topic this week Class 4 were trying to make a lightbulb light up using different wires and batteries. We enjoyed drawing the circuit for our experiment. In Maths we have been re visiting fractions, shapes and place value. In English we have been doing information writing about St.Valentine, Lent and Mental Health. On the last day of term we came to school in non-uniform and brought in a scarf to support Mental Health.
This week in Class 4, we have been learning all about the different triangles in Maths, Equilateral, Isosceles and Scalene. We have enjoyed finding different ways to move in Dance and in English we have been writing our own story based on a magic key! The girls really enjoyed the football trip on Thursday and played really well!
In Class 4 this week we have been learning long division and short division with decimals. In English we have been more writing on the story Streaker. In R.E a parent came in to talk about Pilgrimages, we really enjoyed learning all about this and made some notes.
In Maths this week we have been doing calculations using brackets and going back over long multiplication.
We have been writing stories about the story, Streaker and his friends in English. At Forest School we enjoyed making bird feeders and breaking ice! In Topic we designed a poster about how to be safe with electricity.
This week was our first week back at school, we all had a nice restful break!
In Maths, we have been learning long and short multiplication and the Year 6's have been using decimals in our long multiplication.
In English we have been listening to the story, Kidnapped The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dogs Sizzling Summer and we have been making notes and writing it up.
In P.E we have been learning rugby throws and we have been doing some Tag Rugby.
We are all looking forward to the New Year Disco and have enjoyed dressing up in our party clothes!
Class 4 this week have been learning about perpendicular, horizontal, vertical and parallel lines. We practised these using our arms to help us remember! Also in Maths, we have been learning about coordinates, how to translate shapes and we have been plotting a variety of shapes onto a grid using different coordinates. Class 4 had the pleasure of inviting the Year 4's back into our class and joining us for Maths and English this week. The most exciting part of the week was our Christmas play! We really enjoyed our parents and the villagers coming to watch.
In Maths we have been converting fractions and working on percentages. In English, we have been writing letters to the villagers, inviting them to come and watch our dress rehearsal Christmas productions and we enjoyed delivering them around the village. In topic, we researched the Earth, Moon and Sun. We found out some interesting facts about how they rotate!
We enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers for Christmas Jumper Day!
In Class 4 this week, we have been learning how to add fractions in Maths. In English, we have been writing letters to the villagers and parents. We have invited the villagers to come and watch our dress rehearsals for our Christmas plays and updated them on what's been happening around school. We also wrote to the parents about Anti-Bullying week and what we have in place to prevent bullying happening at our school.
Class 4 joined in with finger exercises to help our hands when we write, we also welcomed Class 1 to the big playground at lunchtime!
This week has been Anti-Bullying week. We have wrote pieces on what we do school to prevent bullying from happening. In Maths we have been doing fractions and equivalent fractions. In Topic, we began to learn about the heart and how it functions. On Friday we all showed our support for Children In Need! The whole school went on a ramble (including dogs!) around the village and we all wore yellow/Pudsey things.
Class 4 took part in Cross Country this week at Sibford School. We really enjoyed it (even though it was cold, wet and raining!).
In English and RE, we have been researching and watching creative stories about Hinduism. We wrote a piece on Gandhi and found out some interesting facts about him!
This week in Maths we have been converting fractions and decimals.
In French, we are learning about different types of food and drink. We will be putting together our own version of The Hungry Caterpillar
This week Class 4 have continued to research and put together our assembly about World War Two. We have enjoyed making gas masks, shelters and labels to represent being an evacuee in the war. Some children shared information about their ancestors who were involved in the war and the whole class enjoyed listening to their stories.
In Maths we have been learning how to times and divide fractions. In Music we have been practicing our songs that we will be performing in our assembly.
This week Class 4 have been very busy! On Wednesday, special guests (Miss Tilley's grandparents) joined our class to talk about World War 2 and what it was like to be an evacuee. We were all interested in listening to their stories and their answers to our questions!
We joined a Harvest live lesson where we learnt where food comes from and how to cook it.
Class 4 were inspired when we joined a drawing lesson with Liz Pichon (Author and Illustrator of Tom Gates books) and we got to create our own book covers using her techniques.
In Maths, we have identified place value and have been converting measurement.
In English this week we wrote our own story, we could choose the setting, characters and the dilemma. In Maths we have been looking at factors and made a factor grid. We also looked at questions about multiples of 10 and 3. We have been practising our square and prime numbers every morning during warm up. In Music we have learning about beats and using our bodies to make different sounds. In Topic, we were continuing to look at WW2 and researching how Britain survived.
(Written by Poppy.C and Brooke.G - Year 6)
This week Class 4 have been super busy!
In Maths, we have been learning and repeating our prime numbers and square numbers. Some year 6 have even done the square root up to 196!
In English, we have focused on book reviews and celebrated Roald Dahl day. We researched all about Roald Dahl, we wrote about our favourite books and authors and we also started the Blue Peter reading badge challenge.
In Topic, we have been researching how WW2 started and we have looked at dates and timelines during the war.
(Written by Jasper.R and Poppy.C - Year 6)
This week we have welcomed the Year 5's into Class 4. They have settled in very well and are learning the Class 4 routines.
In Maths, we have been learning about related facts and factorising numbers. In English, we have been writing postcards to the new Year 7's wishing them luck and we have also been writing letters to our new children that have joined in Foundation Stage, Class 1.
The first week back has been fun, nice to see everyone and very very hot!! :)
(Written by Max.W and Lacey-Mai.N - Year 6)
Updates to families of Class 4 at Laches Wood
An excellent day yesterday. A long walk in the countryside either side of sailing and canoeing. It was a joy to watch and great sailing conditions with a good breeze.
Last night, a campfire with lots of songs. All of the children settled well at bedtime and this morning as I type( 6am) are still sound asleep!
They are eating well and enjoying the cooler conditions! We are missing you all and sending oodles of love and hugs!
Another great day yesterday. The children have enjoyed BMX biking in the woods, experienced caving and also either climbing or a search and rescue (depending on which group they are in).
We have fitted in some rehearsals as well as story time and are particularly enjoying a novel given to us by Hudson's grannie (in Foundation).
They have slept well and as I write at 6.24am, they are all still fast asleep... snoozing.
We are all well and are missing you all but having a great time
Just another update to say another brilliant day yesterday. Climbing etc on the high ropes, archery and hammer throwing. Don't worry they are not like the hammers in your DIY kits!
A great night's sleep with the children soon settled and still awake as I type at 6am!
We have missed you all and are looking forward to seeing you later.
We will update school about travel etc.
More pictures to follow!!
Class 4 have had a fantastic week! We have been very busy in the lead up to our residential next week (which are super excited about!!)
On Tuesday, we visited Miss Reynolds' allotment and the Banbury Museum (courtesy of Miss Reynolds' birthday). The majority of Year 6, have been out on the road cycling and learning how to be a safe cyclist. We have learnt left and right turns, life saver looks and road position all in preparation for our level 2 badge & certificate for cycling proficiency. Good news is...... We all achieved our level 2!
We hope enjoy the weekend and the glorious weather (don't forget you can buy ice lollies and cakes from your Head Girl every Friday on the playground).
This week in Class 4 we have been researching Ancient Egyptians and making a powerpoint using our facts. In Maths, Year 5 have been doing assessments and we have been continuing our warm up methods. On Friday last week, some Year 5 & 6 children took part in a Cricket tournament. This was lots of fun and we were really proud of how well we all performed!
We have been practising for our end of term production, we brought in our costumes this week and began to use some props.
We have also been preparing for Sports Day, we have been taking part in the different activities and we have helping to set it up.
We are looking forward to our parents watching us and for Year 6, our last Sports Day at Shenington School
This week we have been very busy..... eating PIZZA!!!!
In sport, we have played Cricket and Athletics. Year 6 went swimming, whilst the Year 5's had the Youth Activators. Class 4 have also been busy practising our clas splay. In English, we have been researching and writing all about Ancient Egyptians.
The whole school really enjoyed eating pizza for lunch on Thursday and having ice lollies for pudding after!
In Class 4 we have been working hard in many different subjects. In Maths, Year 5 have been working on their end of term assessments, whilst Year 6's have been working on Maths sheets that are based on all aspects of Maths. In English, we have been looking at different styles of writing such as narrative, recount and letter writing. In ICT we have been researching Ancient Egyptians from our assignment in teams. In P.E, we have played a few sports across the week such as dance, cricket, rounders and our mini Olympics. We hope you have a great half term holiday.
This week in Class 4, we have been doing some writing assessments which included writing a letter for the job takeover day coming up. We wrote to the member of staff that we would like to be which included our job application. We also wrote letters to the new children and their families joining us in September.
In Music and Dance we have been continuing to practice our play, Class 3 joined us by showing us their dance as they will be dancing for our production.
This week the Year 6 children completed their SATS. I am so incredibly proud of how well the children have embraced this week, they have worked so hard and i am proud of each and every one of them. A big well done to them all!
Miss Reynolds.
The Year 5 children joined Class 3 in the hall doing Maths and English. They had great fun creating a story based on cloudy with a chance of meatballs and enjoyed thinking of their food and setting for their story.
This week in Maths Class 4 have been looking at co-ordinates, measurements and algebra. In English we have been working on all aspects of SPAG. In Music we have been working on our play and our singing. In P.E we were doing relay races and in dance we have been learning dance routines for our play. We have also been keeping an eye on our plants and watering them regularly/
This week in Class 4, we have been developing speech in English using punctuation in the correct places. In Maths we have been on BBC Bitesize and we have recapping decimals. Class 4 also had the pleasure to complete a portrait of King Charles III by following Sam Barnet's simple drawing steps. We hope to upload these at home to the Children In Need page. In Forest School this week we built a cafe, took the bark off sticks to make tools and we enjoyed the sunshine!
Class 4 have had a great first week back after Easter. We have been learning about Mode, Median, Mean and Range. We experimented with Mode using ourselves by grouping pupils who were wearing skirts and trousers, cardigans, jumpers and t-shirts. This was fun to try and work out what the Mode was between us all.
In Maths, we have been focusing on Data handling. We have been using the BBC Bitesize website to complete different Maths activities that we have covered so far.
In English, we have been working on SPAG papers together as a class. In P.E we have been doing cricket and athletics which has been really fun to take part in!
In Music this week, we have been practising for our summer production we now have our roles and are getting to know the characters and songs.
This week Class 4 have been translating shapes in Maths. We have been learning how to record and give co ordinates using squared paper and also how to draw accurate shapes.
In English, we have been writing our own auto-biographies using our homework to help. We really enjoyed making Easter Bonnets in class for the parade on the last day of term.
We have been enjoying our P.E lessons and Forest School this week too!
We wish you a very happy Easter from Class 4.
This week, Class 4 have been very busy learning our 3D shape properties and Area and Perimeter in Maths. In our music lesson, we all had the opportunity to audition for the school play. We have also been continuing to endeavour in our sport. In English, we have been writing about the Easter story and we used snippets of the story in our Church Service. We have also continued to enjoy our Forest School sessions on a Thursday!
This week we have been very busy planting different types of seeds that we will be growing, mastering brackets in Maths and perfecting our argument writing. We have also been busy celebrating Red Nose Day in style! Miss Reynolds has also been busy hosting a tea party with some children.
This week in Class 4, we have done a variety of subjects which include:
On Tuesday, Footy Kids came to our school and we all played football in the inflatable football pitch, which was lots of fun!
In Science, we did some experiments using sugar, salt, water, sawdust and stones. We made sugar and salt solutions and tested how quickly they dissolved over a couple of days and monitored the results of each cup.
We have also had lots of fun in the snow! We have been on the field building snowmen and playing.
In English, we have done spellings and argument writing about mental health and how to support it.
In Maths, we have been mastering long division.
This week. Class 4 have been incredibly busy. At Shenington, we have been celebrating World Book Day, to the best of our abilities, including:
We have also been perfecting our Persuasive Writing in English and practising our rounding and division skills in Maths. We have also been learning how to copy and paste in I.T, whilst we have been learning about the Polar Region. In P.E we were working on perfecting our landing when jumping from different heights on the equipment. On Tuesday, 19 of us form KS2 went to St.Mary's Church in Banbury to sing in the Rotary concert - children singing for children.
This week Class 4 have been doing a variety of activities ranging from P.E to SPAG.
Monday, an event called pancake race took place, Class 4 flipped the entire way along the playground there and back. We also did Maths and English. On Wednesday we learnt to divide numbers and put them into decimals fractions or remainders and rounding numbers. English, we learnt instruction writing and what made an instruction piece of writing.
Thursday, we did geometry, shape measuring which involved measuring the shapes sides and using a protractor to figure out the angles and what type of shape they were. In English, we did information retrieval of the polar region finding out the animals that live there,the tourism and the climate. Some children from Class 4 also went to a hocky tournament. It was very exciting to be involved in such a fun event with friends! Friday we worked on percentages and we had a visit from the Youth Activators who spoke about mental health and included us in some games such as dodge-ball and cross the golden river.
(Please see latest news for photos of us joining in the pancake race)
This week in Class 4, we have been busy in English writing about earthquakes and researching them. We have also been writing about Lent through information writing. In Maths, we have been perfecting out percentages. On Thursday some of us went to an athletic event which had 9 seperate activities for us all to complete, it was alot of fun!
This week, Class 4 have been busy learning about Lent, mastering angles, developing our sportsmanship skills and learning about Fire Safety. On Monday, we learnt how to do a headstand and a handstand in P.E. On Tuesday a man from fire and rescue came in and talked to us about house fires and how to stay safe with fires. We are mastering narrative and angles are we are keen to learn more!
This week, we have been incredibly busy, perfecting our long multiplication and practising our speech through narrative. We have been learning how to map plot our United Kingdom cities, through Geography. We are singing on Wednesdays and we are continuing to excel in our sports and other activities.
In Class 4 we have been researching and learning all about sacred texts. On Tuesday, we had some special visitors who answered our questions about the Quran. This was a really interesting talk because we didn’t know much about the Quran, but now we do. Our visitors also brought in a translated children’s version of the Quran for us to keep in school.
Forest School was super exciting this week, because we built dens with pallets and we learnt how to start a fire safely. Rory.T and Alfie.F showed great determination when they were starting the fire for us all.
This week we started Music with our new Music teacher, Mrs Harcourt. We learnt a song called On the Road to Banbury and Hallelujah. These songs we will be singing at St Mary’s Church with Mrs Harcourt. All of Class 4 had lots of fun and enjoyed singing together!
Written by Jack P (Head Prefect)
This week's Math includes formal methods with decimal numbers. We have been multiplying decimal numbers.
In English this week, we have been doing information writing and narrative using speech.
In Music, we have started our choir which includes Hallelujah (shrek version) more details are to follow.
We had a visit from the Dogs Trust this week, we learnt how to approach dogs safely and how to care and look after dogs. We also learnt some interesting facts about dogs too!
We really enjoyed the New Year disco with the whole school, playing party games and having snacks as a treat!
Class 4 have enjoyed their class production this week. Some children bravely stepped up last minute into new parts to enable the show to go on. We have also been making our annual Christmas presents..shhh it is top secret! We have also enjoyed creating word searches and word problems linked to the festivities and Christmas.
This week in Class 4, we have been very busy completing assessments, enjoying Christmas Jumper Day and delivering Christmas cards to the villagers. We have also been rehearsing our plays on the stage, which we put up on Monday.
Class 4 this week have been very busy, focusing on Letter Writing and Instruction Writing. In Letter Writing, we each wrote a letter to a Foundation Child, welcoming them to our school.
In Instruction Writing, we have written recipes for Christingles (and made them with Foundation Stage) and for Class 3, how to get your pen licence (which you get in Year 4) and we also wrote a recipe for a happy and healthy school.
In Maths, we have been working on mixed number fractions, improper fractions and we have also been finding the percentage of a number.
Yesterday, on the first day of Advent, we all decorated our classrooms and Class 4 helped to decorate the whole school.
Since the start of September, Class 4 have been incredibly busy, here are some highlights of what we have been up to.
Our topic for last term was Darwin and his theory of Evolution, we did a lot of research on his trip to the Galapagos Islands, which we found fascinating as we got to learn about the different animals which were discovered. We were able to use our research for the foundation of our class assembly and to help us with our work in English, such as letter writing (as though we were Charles Darwin), narrative and information writing.
In Maths, we have been working on using and applying, fractions, place value, factors, prime, square and cube numbers, multiples and related facts, who knew mastering fractions could actually be fun.
We have been very active in PE, honing our skills in football, gymnastics, and most recently this term, netball and forest school, we haven’t let the bad weather stop us!
The parents were invited into school to watch our assembly which as mentioned above was based on Charles Darwin, we incorporated games of Top Trumps (which we had made ourselves using our research on animals). As well as getting ready for our assembly, we made PowerPoints with the research on both our Galapagos animals and our animal of choice, our parents were invited into class, after the assembly to see our PowerPoints.
Parents (and dogs) have also joined us for our ramble for Children in Need, we had a lovely walk around the village and we had a quick pitstop at the Shenington Tree that our logo is based on.
Every term we go to Church, to celebrate the time of year, last term we celebrated harvest festival and this term we have already celebrated remembrance and are waiting for Christmas to come around.
We are so proud of our work, that every term, we have an Open Morning, which gives the parents an opportunity to see our work, chat to our teachers and they even get to enjoy a biscuit and hot drink.
We plan to update you regularly across the term.
The Curriculum Overview provides an idea of the whole school approach to the curriculum, while the Class 4 Curriculum gives more detailed information of what is going on in Class 4 during the term. Further information can be found in the weekly newsletters, at parents evenings, open mornings or pop in to school and speak to the Class Teacher.