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Church of England (VA) Primary School

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The Governing Body is instrumental in supporting the school strategically as well as being a critical friend ensuring the school’s accountability. Whilst it is a demanding voluntary role it is a vital and very rewarding one.

Our Governors

Committee Chairs


Chair of Governors – Dr Grant Fraser

Chair of Standards and Achievements Committee – Mr James Merson

Chair of Admissions Committee – Mr James Merson

Chair of Resources Commitee - Miss Joanna Tilley

Governor Contacts


Clerk to the Governors – (contact via the school office)

Safeguarding Governor – Dr Grant Fraser (contact via the school office)

Commonly Asked Questions

What Are The Different Categories of Governors?


In the Oxfordshire Diocese there are several different categories of governors:


Foundation Governors


All Church of England (C of E) schools must have foundation governors to support and promote the Christian foundations on which the school was built. There are three types of Foundation Governors:

  • Those appointed by the Oxfordshire Diocesan Board of Education (ODBE) in collaboration with the local church community

  • Those appointed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC)

  • The Ex-Officio Governor –  normally the incumbent (local vicar) unless a substitute has been nominated by the archdeacon


Parent Governors


Parent Governors play a vital role with their parental viewpoint of the school. Through their own children, they have first first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum and how the school is perceived from the 'customers' point of view.


Local Authority (LA) Governors


Local Authority Governors are appointed to be a link between the Local Authority (Oxfordshire Council) and the school.


Staff Governors


Staff Governors are in a unique position of being involved in the day to day running of the school.

What do our Governors do?


School governors are elected members of the public who make a positive contribution to children’s education. They provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools; appoint the head teacher and assistant head teacher(s), and also sit on interview panels when a new teacher is appointed. It is the governors who hold the main responsibility for financial decisions made in schools; this is a key area, as the governors work with the head teacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources whilst ensuring the best for our children.


The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one; its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school

  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achieving its aims and objectives

  • be a source of challenge and support to the head teacher and school staff.

How do our Governors do all this?


The governors attend committee meetings each term, discuss and make informed decisions, some of which can have a direct impact on the day to day operation of the school. The Chair of Governors meets weekly with the Head Teacher, to discuss a whole range of issues; these meetings are extremely useful, as it is important that governors act as a critical friend.

Governor Vacancies


We have some vacancies on the governing body for Foundation Governors:

  • Foundation (PCC) Governor


Anyone wishing to serve as a governor must be over 18 and have the time, appropriate skills and commitment to help the governing board and school provide outstanding outcomes and experiences for all children and staff.


If you would like more information on becoming a Governor, please contact the Clerk to the Governors via the school office.

Governors' Attendance Record


For your convenience, the Governors' Attendance Record below can be downloaded or a printed copy can be requested from the school office.
