Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Our children wear our school uniform with pride.
Uniform with our school logo embroidered on it can be ordered from Brigade, School Trends or My Clothing and delivered to your home address or direct to the school.
1) My Clothing:
2) School Trends:
3) Brigade:
Grey trousers or shorts, skirt or pinafore dress worn with a gold polo shirt and a blue school sweatshirt or cardigan. Footwear should be sensible, black school shoes without a heel. Plain grey tights or white or grey socks are to be worn.
Pale blue or yellow checked dress and a blue school sweatshirt or cardigan if necessary. Grey shorts with a gold polo shirt. Summer footwear should be sensible, black, blue, or brown school footwear. We request that children wear plain grey tights or white or grey socks.
Due to the very changeable nature of the British weather we strongly recommend that your child has a coat or waterproof, with a hood, in school every day.
Sunhats must still be worn in sunny weather. These may be any single colour, but must be plain and unbranded. If you would prefer your child to continue wearing a school hat with Shenington School logos, we still have a stock of items available. Please speak to us about this. We are also investigating a supply of plain royal blue hats to be available in the school office.
At all times, all children need to have a plain style sunhat in any colour for playtime and games. For hygiene reasons, all children need their own sunhat. Please ensure that your child has a sunhat, labelled with their name, in school every day. Hats are best kept in PE bags. Children without a sunhat will be unable to play outside when a sunhat is required.
Every child should have a pair of black shoes for indoors. They need an alternative pair of footwear for wearing outside during outdoor activities during the school day when they are outside for prolonged periods. Shoes should be sensible and without a heel. Summer footwear should be sensible, black, blue or brown school footwear without a heel and not have toes exposed. We request that children wear plain grey tights or white or grey socks. Obviously, trainers are required for PE/Games lessons. The school has not stipulated which shoes to wear on arrival and departure as staff have confirmed that parents have different needs, and the children are not out for prolonged periods.
Wellies & Sturdy Outdoor Shoes-
Please feel free to bring in extra wellies or outdoor shoes for the lunchtime break on the field. Please ensure you have a plastic bag for them if you do. Wellies for each Foundation Stage child and Year One (Class One) child.
PE Kit
School colours listed above – gold tops and royal blue shorts. Plain dark sweatshirt (as an extra layer in Winter if required). Items with logos will not be required but can still be worn.
PE Sessions
Please ensure that your child has weather appropriate PE kit in school for PE. PE kits need to be in school each day. We advise bringing kits in on Mondays and leaving them in school until Fridays.
Book Bags
Book bags are also open to colour and do not need to have the school logo on either.
Grey leggings instead of tights underneath their skirts or dresses.
Your child will require a drinks bottle in school every day.