
Safeguarding Notice

Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.

Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy.


Church of England (VA) Primary School

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SchoolMoney (Eduspot) is an easy, safe and secure way to pay for your child’s school trips, dinners, clubs (except those paid to external coaches) and other expenses online via your debit or credit card.


For instructions on logging into SchoolMoney and making a payment, please refer to the Parent User Guide below. If you need any further assistance contact the school office.

Charging Policy


We try to access as many free learning opportunities but do ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of educational visits which incur costs. We may charge for activities which take place outside of school hours to cover the cost of the activity. This will include the cost of the instructor, materials and equipment. We ensure all of our children have equal access and will support families.


Our Charging and Remissions Policy can be found in Statutory Policies or a printed copy can be requested from the school office.
