Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
As part of the Oxfordshire Healthy Schools and Change4Life initiatives we encourage all our children to eat a healthy diet and to be active.
We have children who have a mushroom and nut allergy, so on advice from the school nurse we are to be a mushroom and nut-free school, so please refrain from bringing in mushrooms or nuts or any mushroom/nut-based products.
We encourage children to eat healthy snacks. Children in Class 1 and 2 are provided with a free piece of fruit at break time through the School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme. Children in Class 3 and 4 are encouraged to bring in their own piece of fruit or vegetable to snack on. Please do not send your child to school with snack items such as cereal bars, oatcakes or chocolate bars.
Remember to avoid sending in any nuts or any nut-based products as we are a nut-free school due to nut-allergies.
Hot school dinners are available through our catering company Educaterers who provide a rotating menu. The selection is in line with Government guidelines on healthy eating. Everyday there is a vegetarian option, children in reception, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to a free hot school meal. Year 3-6 the cost of a hot school meal is £2.53.
Please see our healthy eating policy below. Please note we cannot heat food sent in from home for your child/ren.
The current menu is displayed in school, please menu below.
All meals are ordered and paid for via SchoolMoney (Eduspot).
Families who receive certain benefits may be eligible for free school meals. Your child is eligible for free school meals if you’re in receipt of one of the following benefits:
Alternatively, children may bring in their own healthy packed lunches from home. We try to promote and educate children on healthy eating, so please try to send your child with an appropriately filled lunch box.
Remember to avoid sending in any mushroom/nuts or any mushroom/nut-based products as we are a mushroom/nut-free school due to mushroom/nut-allergies.
Free milk is provided for children aged 4 years. Once your child turns 5 you will need to pay for milk if you would like them to still receive it. Please contact Cool Milk to organise on 0800 0562146.
Children are asked to bring in their own reusable water bottles to use in class. In order to reduce plastic waste and promote environmental responsibility, we discourage the use of single use plastic bottles. Children are able to refill their water bottles at the water fountains available.