Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Co-Chairpersons – Anna Smith and Sarah Murphy
Treasurer – James Merson
Secretary – Nadine Merson
The aim of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is to raise funds to help and support our children’s education and development. With education funding being continually squeezed we find more and more the need to keep the coffers topped up. The PTA achieves this by holding a range of social events throughout the year. Past events have included a Bonfire and Fireworks Evening, a Joules Sale, Christmas Fayre, Curry and Quiz Evening, amongst others.
Currently the PTA is working towards raising funds for an outside learning space and an all school trip, as suggested by parents through a questionnaire poll.
The PTA also fund and support children’s school events such as Christmas presents, school discos, Easter eggs, Fun Day refreshments, and year 6 leavers’ presents. The PTA also subsidises the cost of transport for residential trips, where possible.
It is important to recognise that all parents and staff are a part of our PTA and that all contributions made are valued - be it fundraising ideas, event planning, participation in events or donations. We welcome them all!
All our parents and staff are welcome to attend PTA meetings which are held every 3 months. The meetings are rotated between day time and evening meetings to allow working and non-working parents the opportunity to attend.
The PTA is always looking for new fund raising ideas and volunteers to help organise and run events. We are lucky to have very supportive parents and staff, which makes volunteering enjoyable and rewarding. If you would like to volunteer please attend a PTA meeting or speak to one of the committee members in the playground
Details of our social fundraiser events and PTA meetings are provided on the school newsletter and/or via ParentMail.
The PTA is registered with Easyfundraising which is a very simple way to raise money. Every time you shop online (including booking holidays and flights), go through the Easyfundraising app or website and your chosen retailer will donate a percentage of your spend to our cause. You can even download an alert, to remind you to use Easyfundraising when you shop. Register now and remember to encourage your friends and family to sign up too!
An exciting new initiative that combines the spending power of parents, guardians and carers to help boost our school budget and save you money. Sign up now and remember to share it with your friends and family too.
Match funding is a great way to increase our raised funds. Many businesses have a charity allowance within their budget which they can use in this way. An employee of the participating business must simply be present at the event (a photograph must be taken as proof). Whatever money the PTA raise, the business will match hence doubling our total. Please inquire whether your business offers this and would be willing to help. If we could match fund as many of our fundraising events as possible, it would enable us to spend more money on resources, equipment and experiences for our children.
For your convenience, a printed copy of the minutes can be requested from the school office.