Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Shenington School was established as a National School in 1871.
The former school site was originally two separate properties. The first adjacent to the present Oriel House and the second a small triangular site corresponding to the school playground.
A survey carried out by Oriel College in 1780 listed the first as “A homestead adjoining Mr Townsend. Copyhold tenant Robert Kettle”, and the second as “Homestead adjoining the churchyard. Leasehold tenant John Deeley.”
A later survey carried out by Oriel College in 1813 listed the first as “A house, saddler’s shop and garden. Copyhold tenant Richard Turner, and the second as “House, outbuildings and garden. Leasehold tenant John Deeley.”
As detailed in the deed dated 20th October 1871, the site was donated by the Provost and Scholars of Oriel College under the authority of an act passed in the Session of Parliament held in the fourth and fifth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, entitled: “An Act to afford further Facilities for the Conveyance and Endowment of Sites for Schools.” (Schools Sites Act 1841)
The site was held in trust by the Shenington Parish Minister and curate with the authority to permit the premises and all buildings erected on it to be used as a school for “the education of Children and Adults or Children only of the labouring manufacturing and other poorer class in the Parish of Shenington aforesaid and for no other purpose.“
The school governors were the minister, licensed curate, churchwardens and other communicants who contributed at least 15 shillings per annum to the funds of the school.
The children were taught in a single room by one teacher, appointed by the governors. A Sunday school was held as well as a night school twice a week.
Children’s payments supplemented the parliamentary grant, subscriptions, and a small endowment. The school, which could accommodate 78 children, had an average attendance of 40 children which rose to 47 by 1896. The number of children attending school increased to 100 by 1903. In 1905 the school was enlarged to accommodate the children from Alkerton School which closed that year.
In 1962 Shenington School became a Church of England school with aided status.
Shenington School was the first primary school in Oxfordshire to become grant maintained circa 1995.
The Diocese of Oxford purchased the land on which the new school was built in 2001 and the school relocated to its current site in 2004.
In 2008 the role of school trustees was transferred from the churchwardens to the Diocese of Oxford.
Presently, the school remains a Voluntary Aided (VA) Church of England (C of E) School belonging to the Diocese of Oxford and the Parish of Shenington with Alkerton. The school is controlled by the Governing Body, as opposed to the Local Education Authority (LEA).
Below are some historical photographs of Shenington School. Some photographs have been taken from 'Shenington A Pitctoral Heritage', written and published by the late Nan Clifton in 1995.