Safeguarding and keeping children safe is our top priority.
Knowing where children are in their learning is fundamental to excellent teaching. We evaluate children’s progress on a daily basis and also track children’s progress throughout the year.
In accordance with Government Policy our children undertake SATs at the end of Key Stage One (KS1) and Key Stage Two (KS2). Our latest results can be found on the SATs Results & Performance Tables page.
Children in Foundation Stage are assessed against the Early Learning Goals.
Children are set individual targets and throughout the year we hold Target Award Assemblies to come together to celebrate children’s successes.
We offer parents several opportunities to keep informed of their child’s progress. We hold a Meet the Teacher night during the second week of September, where parents can meet their child’s new class teacher. A Parent Surgery, where parents may drop in after school and catch up with the class teacher, is held after the Autumn half-term break. Parents Evenings are held twice a year, in November and July, to review each child’s progress. We also hold Open Mornings every term where parents can sit with their children and look at their work. At the end of the academic year, parents receive a written report detailing the progress their child has made and identifying any targets to work on.
We have an open-door policy where parents are welcome to come into school at any point to discuss any concerns they may have.